How to successfully feed a dog?

The tricks and secrets introduced today will allow your dog to take medicine without even noticing it.

Even the most obedient dogs are often reluctant to take medicine. Keeping in mind that it is essential to maintain your dog’s health, we will give you five ways to feed your dog.

The easiest option is to use liquid medicine. However, it is often difficult to increase the concentration of the active ingredient in the aqueous solution. Therefore, most drugs made for veterinary use are often provided only in a solid-state.

However, dogs generally do not take medicine naturally. So, to make life easier for many owners, a few tricks came up.

How do you give your dog a pill?

Therefore, it is always good to inspect the inside of the mouth to see if the pill is not under the dog’s tongue or attached to the side or ceiling of the mouth. Otherwise, animals may spit out medicine, and treatment will not work.

The primary thing to avoid harming animals is to be patient and careful when administering certain medications, even when you can choose to give a liquid medicine with the help of a syringe.

Excessive force can cause vomiting, inflammation, and emotional changes in your pet. Therefore, it is better to go to the vet for help when someone is unable or unwilling to give the pet medicine.

Some tips for feeding your dog pills:

Choose chewable medicine with delicious taste Easy-to-manage medications to reduce the owner’s work and make the dog more comfortable. Several pharmaceutical companies have released a chewable version with an attractive taste, making it possible to offer the pill as if it were a snack.

Crush hard pills:

In general, the size of robust pills is a feature that makes administration more difficult. Mainly for small dogs or puppies.

An excellent choice is to crush the pill finely. This will make it easier to administer the medicine without hurting your dog. However, you may need to reduce the recommended dose.

Drug dilution or dissolution:

Most drugs are soluble in water. It means that it can be dissolved in water without harming its chemical composition and organic effect.

Therefore, one of the most practical advice is to dissolve this pill in water and inject it directly under the animal’s neck with the help of a clean syringe. The pills can be crushed to make the medicine easier to dilute.

Care should be taken to avoid vomiting, injury, or inflammation in the dog’s neck and mouth. Care should also be taken when keeping the animal’s mouth open and open during care.

If dogs tend to be nervous or aggressive, it is better to use other methods.

Mix medicine with food:

A perfect way to “camouflage” an unattractive smell and let the animals spontaneously take medicine is to mix it with food. However, it is necessary to add moisture so that the powder mixes with the food. You can choose a can of wet dog food or make rice cream without salt or other seasonings. Just mix the crushed medicine with the food and give it to the animal.

Swallow a pill:

This is a controversial method. On the one hand, it is best to make sure that the drug has been entirely administered, and it is also not wasted and does not lose effectiveness by mixing with other substances.

However, many people find this method inefficient. This is because this method can cause vomiting, itching, etc. and makes your dog difficult.

Therefore, this method does not apply to violent animals or self-defense. It should be chosen only by more experienced owners who believe in their dog.

The method is simple. This is done by keeping the animal’s mouth open with one hand and pushing the medicine into his neck with the other. After that, keep your dog closed for 1-2 minutes and keep the medicine from spitting out.

What is the best food (feed) for cats?

The first thing we must be clear about is that cats are strict carnivores. This means that they need diets with more protein than dogs to obtain the energy necessary to live.

Strict carnivores:

The first thing we must be clear about is that cats are strict carnivores. This means that they need diets with more protein than dogs to obtain the energy necessary to live.

Life stage and diseases:

The caloric and nutritional requirements vary in each stage that the cat faces, thus, the needs of a recently weaned kitten, a kitten of several months, an castrated adult cat, a neutered cat, will not be the same. An obese cat or a pregnant cat.

In the same way, we must take into account if our cat suffers from any pathology or is at the risk of suffering it, so if our cat suffers from chronic kidney failure or diabetes we can offer him a diet that helps him overcome his problem or slow down the development of East. With cats allergic or intolerant to some food, we can adapt their feeding to foods that suit them well with alternative proteins such as the Advance sensitive or the gastroenteritis diet.

More things to consider:

Cats are much more selective about what they eat than dogs, their taste buds are much smaller, and they are more sensitive to acidic, bitter, and salty flavors than sweet, so the portability of food is essential.

Proper weight maintenance, for example in neutered cats, and the cat’s habit of water intake should also be factors to consider.

Homemade food vs commercial food:

Preparing a homemade diet for our cat can be a challenge. Feeding our cat with meat daily can be a considerable expense in our domestic budget. In addition, preparing a weekly menu that covers all your needs and does not have significant deficiencies requires feline nutrition training that not all owners have access to. If our cat also has a health problem, it can become almost impossible or sometimes even harmful.

Offering a high-end commercial diet ensures the adequate daily intake of all nutrients regardless of the individual needs of our animal and without having to spend hours preparing the menu.

Additionally, today there are commercial foods called?? NATURAL ??, high-end, made with ingredients that are incorporated as found in nature or are poorly processed, and that have no added chemicals, which are an excellent alternative for owners who prefer a more natural diet. Within these ranges, there are products with a high content of ingredients of animal origin and protein that adapts perfectly to the animal nature of cats such as True Instinct.


Currently, Affinity has different ranges of cat food, thus covering all the needs of our companions.

These foods cover various brands, we find Advance, Libra, Brekkies and Ultima.

Foods high-end as Advance, we guarantee the use of ingredients of animal origin with proteins of high quality, such as chicken, the turkey, the salmon and lamb, along with cereals high digestibility and antioxidant natural, vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is the only food reinforced with active immunoglobulins that help strengthen the immune system, and protect it against external aggression.

The different foods take animals into account according to their age, reproductive status, food sensitivity and taste preferences. Thanks to their wide variety. Find here the food that best suits the needs of your cat.

What Is The Best Food For Dog ?

The dog is often referred to as a loyal animal, but there is no doubt that it is the most loved pet of humans. We keep our dogs just like humans, and sometimes we give the same to what we eat to show our love.

The question is often in the minds of dog owners that what should be the food of the dog? It is common to feed bread to the dog and feed it. However, not every type of human food is suitable for dogs. What is high for us is not necessarily the same for our dog.

This is why it becomes very important that we know which food is eaten by humans, and which is harmful to our dog.
Let us discuss food beneficial for dogs and know what is appropriate for our dog by best dog food advisor.

1. Peanut butter:

butter may prove to be the most appropriate type of food for your dog. It is rich in protein which is very important for your dog.

In addition to protein, vitamin B and vitamin E is found. Unsweetened peanut butter is best for dogs because excessive amounts of salt can be harmful to dogs.

Apart from this, you should also be check in the peanut butter being given to the dog that it does not contain sugar related substances such as Capitol because giving the sugar containing substances to the dog can be fatal for him.

2. Cheese:

If your dog can take lactose, then giving it to him may be the best option for him.
Most dog owners give them cottage cheese as it is rich in protein and calcium. Apart from this, it is very easy for dogs to digest.
However, you should remember that if your dog cannot take lactose, then no dairy products should be given as they do not have the ability to withstand it, so the thing should not be given.

3. Chicken:
Chicken can be given to our dog in many ways. We can either cook it and give it to the dog or even without cooking it. Cooked chicken is very good for dogs and can be given easily but cooked bones should never be given to dogs.
Both uncooked or raw chicken and raw bones can be given to dogs, and they are also very beneficial for them. Baked bones become hard and can be harmful, while raw bones are soft and can be eaten easily.

4. Yogurt:

Yogurt contains abundant protein, calcium, and digestive which improves your dog’s digestive process. These reach the dog’s body and make his digestive system strong.
However, while choosing yogurt, remember that it contains live active cultures and does not contain fat or any sugary substance or flavor.

5. Carrot:

Carrots are rich in fiber and vitamin A, which is good for your dog and provides him with the necessary nutrition. Chewing raw carrots also keeps your dog’s teeth strong.

Carrots are also low in calories. Therefore, if your dog’s weight has increased more than the weight, then consuming carrots can be a helpful in reducing his weight.

6. Pumpkin:

Pumpkin is a very good source of vitamin A and fiber. It provides the necessary nutrition and ingredients to your dog. You can give him canned Pumpkin or can also be cooked, all types are beneficial for him.
However, make sure that it does not contain any sugary substances or spices as they can be harmful to your dog.

7. Green Beans:

Veterinarians recommend giving green beans at your dog for people whose dog is overweight. It contains a high amount of fiber and is very low in calories. Due to this they are considered useful for weight loss.

8. Eggs:

Eggs can be given to dog either raw or cooked, and both have very strong health benefits. Raw eggs should be given to dogs along with its peel, giving them the biotin, protein, riboflavin, and selenium present in them.
However, when the eggs are cooked for the dog’s intake, remember not to add any spices, salt or chili to it as it can be harmful to your dog.

9. Salmon:

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can also make fish oil useful for your animal.

Whether you give your dog salmon cooked or some capsules, you will be giving them vitamins in every way. But keep in mind that at any stage do not give your do gun-cooked salmon.

10. Sweet potato:

Sweet potato works similar to pumpkin for your dog as it contains abundant amounts of vitamin A, fiber, and other ingredients. These are extremely easy for your dog to digest.
You can give it boiled or baked but it should not contain any spices.

11. Apple:

Apple is extremely healthy and delicious food for your dog, which is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. It can be given to your dog without removing its skin.

Just as apple is beneficial for humans, similarly it is beneficial for dogs. However, remember that in some cases apples can also be harmful. 

Do not give apple seed to your dog because it contains cyanide which can be fatal for dogs.

12. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal is found in the food of many dogs. This is highly beneficial for your dog’s diet. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Apart from this, dietary fiber is also present in it.
However, remember that these can only be given to dogs that can eat grains.

In this article, we learn about dog food by best dog food advisor.

Proper Nutrition And A Balanced Diet Of The Cat

What is the basis of a balanced diet of a cat?

By nature, cats are predators, so their diet must include meat and, unlike dogs, cats cannot be fed vegetarian food. For members of the feline family, protein (protein) is the main source of energy, so cats need more protein in their food than, for example, dogs. Meat is not only a protein, but also essential nutrients for cats, such as taurine (for heart and vision), arachidonic acid (for skin, and hair health) and vitamin A (for hair and vision).In order for a cat to stay slim, you need to make a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients his body needs. Quality food should be designed so that, providing the cat with all the necessary trace elements, it was at the same time tasty, and he liked it.

Owners often view human food as a treat for their cats, but remember — adding such food to a cat’s diet can seriously damage his stomach!

The digestive system of kittens is especially sensitive, as a result of which they need special foods rich in protein, and other nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development. Keep in mind that only special food for kittens will provide your baby with everything, he needs. For more information on this topic, you can read our guide and useful tips for a feed kittens.From 12 months, cats should be fed special food designed for adult pets. There are also special types of food for older cats, to which it is desirable to transfer your furry friend after he reaches the age of 7-10 years.

Do cats need milk?

Contrary to popular belief, kittens do not need to milk from the moment. the cat stops feeding them. Moreover, many cats find it is difficult to digest milk because of the lactose it contains. Therefore, cow’s milk and other dairy products can cause diarrhea and upset stomach in cats.

The special milk for cats does not contain lactose and is created so that pets can enjoy their favorite taste without harm to health. Like any other delicacy, this milk has a certain caloric content; therefore, when giving it to a cat, do not forget to reduce the portion of the main food by the same amount of calories. Also, remember that milk can never be considered a complete replacement for drinking water!

How to change a cat’s diet?

If you decide to change the type or brand of food for your cat, do it gradually, over 7-10 days. The best option is to put in front of your pet an extra bowl filled with new food, at the same time without removing the plate with the old: so, the cat will be able to gradually taste the new food. Keep in mind that a sudden change to a new food can negatively affect your cat’s digestion, especially if your furry friend has been eating the same food for a long time, and his body has become accustomed to it.

Should cats be given dietary supplements?

Healthy cats that eat quality food do not need any other supplements. Moreover, in some cases, supplements can even be upset the overall balance of nutrients in your pet’s body and cause him certain health problems.

However, if your cat still needs a special diet (for example, to stimulate growth or during pregnancy), you can use special foods designed exclusively for such cases. If you have any doubts about the need to use special food, it is best to consult an experienced veterinarian. Special food, it is best to consult an experienced veterinarian.

What amount of food is optimal for a cat?

The amount of food that is optimal for a cat’s body depends on a number of factors — such as breed, level of physical activity and lifestyle of your pet. To get started, you should read the portion size recommendations on the feed package. However, do not forget that in this case, we are talking only about general advice on proper nutrition. Remember that in this matter a lot depends on the size and level of activity of your cat. To regularly monitor the physical condition and weight of your cat, as well as to more accurately determine the optimal size of his portion, you can use our special application to monitor the physical condition of your furry friend.

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